Recently I've noticed a lot of people landing on this page searching for the great Rob & Big clip where they net a d*bag in a Spider-Man costume on Hollywood Blvd.
Unfortunately, although many other Rob & Big clips are available, this particular clip appears to have been scrubbed from the net. I don't know if MTV or Marvel are the uptight ones but you can find the opening scene of the clip HERE (this Spidey must be Ditko era based on that wimpy physique)
I have yet to locate full clip including the scene where Rob & Big actually get their revenge.
You can play this pleasant little Rob Dyrdek video game for free online here
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen: MOEBIUS
Jean Giraud works a little one-minute magic on Lt. Blueberry. With Depeche Mode's "Dream On" as the soundtrack.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fresh Meathaus

The anthology returns again with now famous alumni--James Jean, Farel Dalrymple, Tomer & Asaf Hanuka intact--plus rising talents like Dash Shaw, Tom Herpich, & Dave Kiersh among many. Plus Ralph Bakshi!??
As usual the lineup is impressive but will the heavy hitters really have time to contribute great work, or are they just cleaning out their desks?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thumbs Up David Choe

Dave Choe's obnoxiously rich and prolific reign of awesomeness expands to yet another medium.
Thumbs Up is my favorite travel show (even better than No Reservations, and more humane).
I'm posting this almost as much to remind myself to watch all the Season 2 eps. as I am for whosoever is reading this. I'm still watching the last few eps of Season 1. I can't believe that Choe's traveling companion and biographer Harry Kim actually takes the crust off his Wonder Bread even though he happily eats a sandwich consisting of peanut butter and sardines. How could you even taste the crust (the best part of bread by the way) through that foul combination of flavor?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Nice I-Racks: Marjane, Lindsay, and Harry. S

Marjane Satrapi from the Feb. 25 ish of New York magazine (the one with a nude layout of lindsay lohan…that’s right search engine spiders I said NUDE PICS OF LINDSAY LOHAN…come to me babies).
Anyway, Satrapi endorses Obama. The tart-tongued Iranian ex-pat said at an NYC screening of Persepolis: “President Truman wanted to help Iran go into democracy. Eisenhower came and he fucked up democracy in the whole region. So after that I think democrats are definitely better.”
On Obama she says (in a none too subtle dig at Hillary): “He’s the only one intelligent enough not to give a quick answer to very complicated questions. He doesn’t talk bullshit. Plus he was against the war from the beginning.”
I love Obama but I don’t exactly trust Satrapi’s logic here. Obama doesn’t give quick, pat answers to very complicated questions like Hillary because he hasn’t been in the game long enough to figure out the answers to those questions. Otherwise he’d play that game the same way as any politician except for Gee Dubya who basically admits he’s a stupid fuck and doesn’t care about answers, questions or all this “governin’” BS, just give him and his cronies more money baby.
So in conclusion: Obama good. Hillary good. Satrapi good (when she‘s not being oh so bad). Truman sorta good. Nude Lindsay Lohan better than expected. And any chance to take another jab at the scumbag Dubya presidency, very very good indeed.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Japanese town OBAMA backs a winner

I thought Obama sounded Japanese and indeed there is a small town of 30,000 in Japan named Obama. And the townspeople, recognizing a tourism opportunity when they see one is all for our man Barack becoming the next President. To wit:
From The Montreal Gazette:
The city mayor sent Obama a letter, lacquered chopsticks and the city's tourism brochures a year ago, but Obama had yet to reply, he said.
"So far we have been unilaterally giving him 'love calls' as we have a close affinity with him, although we have not met him," said Hideki Ikegami, a city official in charge of promoting tourism. "Perhaps Mr Obama has yet to know and feel the real festive mood prevailing here."
But Obama knows about the small city that bears his name and has even encountered a former resident.
He once said that during a visit to Japan, the immigration officer took a look at his passport and said to him: "I'm from Obama."
In a related story the German burg of Mitt could not have cared less that Romney asshole dropped out of the race.
Monday, February 11, 2008
300 Less Popular In Iran than actual Americans

I was reading a very fine article in the Travel section of the Sunday New York Times on visiting Iran (the entire is online as well). The author James Vlahos is in fact American, but as a frequent correspondent for National Geographic, one not wholly unfamiliar with inhospitable locales. As it turns out he was welcomed by almost everyone he encountered and said that all he had to do to make a new friend or get invited to tea was stand still for about 30-seconds. I mention this partly because the author stated that the subject that most aggrieved Iranians was less Bush/Cheney's endless saber-rattling which they were basically used to; but rather how the Persians were portrayed in film adaptation of Frank Miller's 300.
The articles ends charmingly enough with the author in a cafe that goes entirely quiet when he reveals to the man beside him that he is American. All eyes turn to him and then the man beside him pats him on the shoulder and says happily "Our governments are bad, but the people are good." Truer words were never spoken.
Of course there's another comics tie in the frequent references to the pre-Islamic ruins of Persepolis for which Marjane Satrapi named her acclaimed graphic novel about growing up in Iran.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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